
Pursuit eight: Time flies

As I laid in bed last night thinking about my next blog post, none of my "future topics" seemed appealing. I kept thinking about how tomorrow, now today was going to be November 1st. Once again it seems that time is flying by me. I remember having a conversation with my brother a few years back about how time seems to be going by so much faster as I have gotten older. As he spoke of some intelligent article that he had recently read which discussed how the brain does in fact seem to process time faster as one gets older, I was off in my own world thinking about life in general (childhood memories, old & new friends, the future)...

It seems that as I have gotten older I have accepted that things change with time, and I look forward to what will occur in the future. It is moments like last night that I stop and think about how fast life seems to go sometimes.

After Googling quotes about time and life before writing this post, everything just seemed too cheesy.

Yes, Mother Teresa had a great quote that I thought about using, but I came up with something much more my style.

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

The Giving Tree is one of the many books that I enjoyed reading as a child with my parents. Even at the tender age of (insert age here), I knew this book had some type of important meaning. After reading summaries and critic reviews of this story, it is clear that this book like so many, can be interpreted in multiple ways. 

For those of you who have not read this book before, it tells the story of a young boy throughout his life and his relationship with a tree. The boy asks of many things from the tree, and the tree grants each request with compassion. The tree asks nothing of the boy and is happy to have his friendship. After the young boy has grown up and become an old man, the tree has given almost everything of himself to the boy. When the boy comes to the tree one last time as an old man, all the tree has left is it's stump. The boy is grateful for that stump because all he needs at that moment is a place to sit and rest.

After rereading the story today, for me the boy represents humans in general, and the tree represents life. Throughout our lives we ask for many things out of life. Whether we are aware of it or not, time is always passing, and our requests are always changing. In the end however, we must be happy with where we are at present because life has been great (even with it's hardships) and given us so much already.

Following my pursuits,


Special thanks to:

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